Technology has opened up many different opportunities for businesses and now with remote working, technology has never been so important. Businesses can now work in a way that suits their structure rather than being restricted to office-based working. The change has meant that businesses need to assess their day-to-day activities so that remote working continues to be productive for all.


Many businesses will carry out their work from more than one location which may require staff from different locations, requiring different resources all at the same time. However, as businesses find more productive ways for remote working, they will be able to provide a range of remote working solutions to facilitate all needs.


As remote working continues, businesses are finding smarter ways to work and produce productive remote working. And for businesses to operate effectively and efficiently, it requires security to be at the forefront of any business, especially for remote workers. If the day-to-day security is affected, this can have an impact on employee’s work. 

Providing resources that are secure must be a priority and it’s crucial all company devices that are being used by remote workers are kept up to date with security software, including firewalls, and that strong passwords are used to protect sensitive data. 

Collaborative resources

The cloud has driven a dramatic change in the way that businesses now store and access work digitally. It’s crucial that businesses have reliable cloud-based systems for the tools and databases which can all be accessed online and virtually. 

There are a variety of solutions that businesses can use to help keep remote working be as productive as possible. Collaborative tools such as Microsoft One Drive allows employees to access shared and real-time documents and resources.  

As remote working continues to feature for businesses, this is the time to embrace technology and the cloud, ensuring that remote working is productive for all. 

How Kalamazoo IT can help your business

With experience in delivering first-rate IT services for over 50 years, Kalamazoo IT is your new partner in IT service management. With a dedicated team of experts working from both or Birmingham headquarters and across the country, we’re here to work with you to develop and grow your business. 

To find out more about how we can work together, get in touch with us at the address [email protected], give us a call on 0121 312 0801 or fill out our enquiry form and one of our experts will be in touch with you within 24 hours.